Friday, 26 July 2013

How To Choose The Right Toys for Special Need Children

Help Them Shine Share some points for choosing the Right Special Needs Toys for Special Needs Children

Here are some important points that can ask from Parents when they are going to Purchase Special Needs Toys for Special Needs Children. These points will ensure They Are Stimulating, Therapeutic and Engaging.
For instance, Ecommerce Website lets parents help children with autism as they shop for adaptive educational products tailored to their own child's stage of development.

The site - which offers sensory toys for kids with and without special needs - reviews toys from the marketplace and evaluates them based on their relevance and benefits to children
So how can you choose the best toys for your child's age and abilities? The site's experts suggest asking yourself the following questions: 

1. Does this toy promote inclusion?

  • Can my child enjoy it by himself or does the toy allow others to play along with him?
  • Can the whole family play together? Will it offer siblings and friends opportunities to share the experience and increase social learning opportunities?
2. Can this toy be easily adapted to my child's abilities?

  • Sometimes, toys are hard for children to use, yet they offer potential for fun and learning. Often, you can take a creative approach to making a toy accessible to a child.
3. Does this toy offer a variety of ways to play?

  • Read the instructions but also get creative. Think about the different ways a toy can be used and how it might help build skills.
4. Does my child have the attention needed for this toy?

  • Take your child's attention span into account when toy shopping, but also remember that many toys can help children learn to focus on tasks.

5. What sort of sensory stimulation does this toy offer?

  • Do you want to introduce more sensory stimulation or less stimulation into playtime? Look at toys from an auditory, tactile and visual perspective and measure that against what your child is comfortable dealing with.
6. What kind of a challenge factor does this toy provide?

  • Sometimes, the right toy can offer a fun challenge your child is capable of meeting. Children with disabilities may benefit from a toy that provides different levels of challenges, allowing them to build skills at their own pace.
7. Does this special needs toy hold some potential to motivate my child?

  • Often, children who resist moving toward a goal in a traditional therapy session can be convinced to work toward that goal when toys and play are the reward.

8. Does this toy address some of my special needs child's developmental goals?

  • How can this toy be used to help your child move toward specific physical, emotional and social goals?
9. Does this special needs toy have potential to help build my child's self esteem?

  • There are toys that help children build new skills and confidence. They range from bikes without pedals to baseball tees that allow for easy hitting.
10. Will my special needs child quickly outgrow this toy?

  • Some toys offer incredible longevity because they entertain the child in a variety of ways. Other play products have built-in stages of difficulty to continue to capture a child's attention and interest. 

Help Them Shine is an ecommerce website in India offers sensory product for autism in India . We have a world famous brand products for special needs children like Whisperphone, Ark Therapeutic  and Chewy Tubes which are very useful for your children.

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Tips For Parents of Children With Autism

Some children can overreact when exposed to too much environmental stimuli. This disorder involving the senses is called sensory integration disorder. If your child has difficulty in high stimulation situations and has a high level of anxiety or stress he may be suffering from this disorder. Sensory integration disorder can effect your child's learning development and behavior. It also causes difficulties with processing information from the five classic senses, the sense of movement , and/or the positional sense (proprioception).

This condition is usually diagnosed by an occupational therapist. There is no known cure but many treatments are available. One common sensitivity is to the sense of touch. If your child shows signs of sensitivity to his sense of touch here are some Special need supplies you can do to make life a little easier for both of you.

1. Choose the fabric for your child's clothing carefully. Children with Autism will find fabrics like wool too scratchy and irritating. Purchase 100% cotton fabrics instead.
2. Be careful when choosing the style of your child's clothing. Remove any irritating tags on the collar and look for loose fitting clothes.
3.  Choose grooming products wisely. 
     Don't purchase soaps or shampoos with extra additives or dyes. 
    These may be irritating and harsh to your child Disorders that may be related to SID
    Autism spectrum disorders
   Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
   Temper Tantrums
4. Choose the right autism toys for special need children.

Don't worry this disorder is more common than you might think. It's okay. With the right treatment and attention your child will be able to manage herself with this disorder and life can be more peaceful at home.

Friday, 12 July 2013

Chewy Tubes – Great for Children with Autism

We know this sounds crazy but sometimes we get to meet rock stars. Not traditional rock stars, but people who rock our world. One of our rock stars is Mary Cushing. Mary is from the Speech Pathology Associates the inventor of the original Chewy Tubes, our most highly recommended oral motor product.

Chewy Tubes were originally created by Mary for a Jaw Rehabilitation program  to help build biting and chewing muscles for people who had strokes or low muscle tone. Since that time they have been used by all kinds of people and  autistic children.

We always recommend Chewy Tubes when a parent or therapist has a child that’s chewing or sucking on their clothes. The design is terrific. The handle has ridges making it easy to hold and the tube itself is not too long. The length of the chewy tube insures that the person will not gag themselves. If you have ever seen a kid gag on a mouthing product then you know why this is important- especially right after lunch! This is a major reason why we prefer  Chewy Tubes  over several other oral motor products.

Another great feature of the Chewy Tube is that it is a tube. The tube design really gives the muscles in the jaw good proprioceptive feedback. Proprio what? The muscles and tendons in the jaw get a good chewy work out! This is the only product that does this. We also often recommend the Grabber XT especially for VERY aggressive chewers, but the XT is harder and doesn’t offer the same chewy satisfaction that the Chewy Tubes do.

Anyhow back to Mary’s rock star status. Mary rocks because she saw a need and invented an awesome product to meet that need and we love that about her. It’s not easy to come up with something really good. Mary put a lot of time, effort and thought into what she created – and it shows.  Chewy tubes continue to help a wide variety of populations including children on the autism spectrum. So yay for Mary – you rock!

Friday, 5 July 2013

How to reduce Stress in Autistic children

Children Who are affected with autism need more skill development to reduce the frustration, stress and meltdowns. I have known many children with autism who have difficulty with key life and educational skills such as opening lunch boxes, doing up buttons, zippers, cutting, writing or picking up pictures to communicate.

So allows temporarily talk about what we can do to encourage these skills for our children specifically:

1. How to encourage writing.   
2. How to develop thumb strength (A thumb workout!)
3. How to develop 'pincer grip' (Pincer grip 'boot camp')

Over the years I have found I need to use different activities to APPEAL TO THE CHILD'S INTERESTS to encourage them to practice excellent activities and most of all develop strength in their fingertips.


Students get the sensory toys much more motivating than play dough (the 'feel/texture' can cause problems) or traditional actions to create excellent skills and planning. 


 Firstly, Writing for kids with Autism can be hard work because of two factors:

1.     Lack of fine motor control and strength.
2.     Excessive energy and focus required
Anything we can do to improve the motor control build strength and reduce the frustration is essential. Children frustrated by lack of control of their pencil will begin to avoid writing and begin using unsuitable behaviors to 'get out of' doing their work. 

Pencil grips decrease the pressure of writing:

Last time I had a few demands for individuals looking for pencil grip and I found they are actually challenging to discover, especially good ones. I have found these amazing ones that are LOVELY to hold! 

The Pencil Grip is a preferred variety of ergonomic designed writing allows appropriate for any user or writing instrument, whether for right or a lefty use, these grips place the fingers comfortably and properly place for simple writing. And they are flexible enough to go over a variety of scaled pens or pencils.

Many children with Autism find hand writing particularly challenging and this has a lot to do with the uncomfortable way many of them hold their pens/pencils - but with The Pencil Grip fingertips normally port into the appropriate place. Wrong hand writing roles are very difficult to appropriate once routines have been established. The Pencil Grips is so amazing at educating appropriate hand writing roles that I think EVERY kid studying to create should have one!


Fundamental to excellent motor expertise achievements is a powerful thumbs & pincer grip. Here are some excellent FUN MOTIVATING methods to create these:

STACKABLE STAMPS: These are excellent for creating motor preparing and strength in fingertips. The children need to pull the stamp apart and then stamp on page, then put back together. There are 3 different stamps in one which needs the children to pull apart. Once they can stamp on page, I like to sketch containers the kid has to stamp in.


LIGHT UP PENS! These are duration of fun. They are awesome fat pen which are simpler to keep and create with, however to create them even more exciting the Meteor pens mild up and shake when you put the handle down. The abilities needed to keep the manage down helps develop durability in thumbs, and what a compensate when the top of the pen lighting up and whizzes around! The lighting and activity motivate the learners to use the pen.


SPINNING TOPS are duration of fun and create a pincer keep and strength in the fingertips. I like seeing how many the kids can get going simultaneously, and keep going. This is excellent for WARMING up their fingertips before a composing process. Just 5 moments of spinning tops seems to really help get the fingertips prepared for writing.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Some Guidelines On Choosing Toys for Special Need Children

Choosing toys and activities for Children can be very challenging as we all know. We long for the present to be a source of pleasure. The recipients level of maturity both physically and intellectually, interests and safety have always to be borne in mind, even more so when the recipient has special needs.
The joyful season is a season when huge numbers of individuals will be looking for provides for Children who may have special needs. Mother and father will identify which toys and activities are appropriate without much problems but there may be many visitors who would appreciate a few guidelines.
We need to identify the important role of a kid's lifestyle. Years ago my Children were enjoying in our garden. A lady passing-by, ceased and viewed them for a moment then converted to me and said "Play is kid's work". Clearly she was a person of excellent knowing and knowing.
Play allows young children to learn and mature on physical, emotional, mental and social levels. Toys can improve problem solving skills or encourage play at a higher level. Some toys encourage movement and exploration such as climbing and riding toys. These physical activities develop strong muscles for walking, running and sport.
Yet other toys help to increase awareness of people, places and things. Dolls, stuffed animals, puppets, vehicles and dolls houses have a role to play here. The last two are very good ways to introduce the child with special needs to various aspects of everyday life and the jobs that people do at home and at work.
When selecting a toy for special need children the following aspects must be properly considered:
  • Is it safe for that kid's perceptive age, well designed and durable?
  • Is it attractive and exciting to the child
  • Is it right for the kid's actual capabilities?
  • Is it best for the kid's psychological and public development? The toy should not
  • Be delicate or delicate . Have any harmful materials
  • Have distinct sides or points.
  • Be so little that it can get trapped in throat, listening to or nose. Remember that some Children with special needs discover aspects by "mouthing" them.
  • Have little removable places.
  • Have any parts that could pinch fingers, toes or get entangled in hair. Have been put together with exposed straight pins, sham wires or nails.
  • Have electrical places, unless it is to be properly monitored by a mature.
  • These are all crucial concerns when creating a choice.

  • Chewy Tubes 
  • Drinking Aids
  • The writing C.L.A.W
  • Oral motor tools
  • Jaw Rehabilitation Program
  • Wishper phones
  • Adaptive equipment
  • Threa band
  • Speech and communication products
  • Therapy tools for calming
  • Occupational therapy supplies

Toys do not actually have to be purchased from companies which are dedicated to special needs specifications. Many similar items can be purchased less expensive from standard shops. Common toys and activities can be tailored with a little inventiveness. As one sensible mother had written "The best provides are of the heart, which means a present of your energy and effort. Record your speech or a acquainted speech studying a preferred book" But whatever present you provide, provide it with love!